C – 1.4 Marginalized people target

In general we can say that art is able to break down psycho-physical, ideological and cultural barriers, approaching individuals and peoples, preparing the way for an authentic dialogue. Beauty is a shared language, it increases the awareness of a common identity, a necessary premise of peaceful coexistence.

The art – it is said from many parts – facilitates the dialogue, educates to the peace, promotes the mutual acquaintance between the peoples: it seems to constitute a free zone, a universal language that can unite all the men. The artists seem to recognize each other and immediately understand each other despite the cultural and linguistic distances and also the public appears to be well disposed towards this world art: as the 49th Venice Biennial was entitled, art today turns to the “audience of humanity”.

In this “artistic” space takes place the clown. As well said by one of the participants in the training held in Italy for the More Than Words project, “the clown is radical. In a space of violence and despair, the Clown makes the outrageous gesture of spontaneous joy. In the space of pain, suspicion and distrust, the Clown offers vulnerability and empathy, the healing contact of the compassionate and uninterrupted gaze. The Clown can be the face of welcome, it can be the bridge between people.”